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We Can Heal Ourselves

A Body in Balance Heals Itself
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Meet Honey Golden and Lisa Schermerhorn

Quantum Energy Healers Honey and Lisa

     Honey enjoys healing in many ways, the subconscious is mind is first thing she will address. The goal is to help bring balance to body and soul to achieve health and happiness. The natural state of our body is health. To achieve this we must clear the way, let go of subconscious blocks, let go of toxins, and balance the physical body. This is the way to long term health and happiness within the skin your in. 

     The skills Honey brings to help you have the healthiest life possible are varied and apply to many aspects of health. Large groups are a favorite for her, as the energy is amplified which facilitates bigger changes for the recipients'.  

      She started this journey to heal from thyroid disease around twenty years ago. It started with a year long nutrition class and has now gone into the realm of soul communication. 

  To heal the body as well as the subconscious mind is a life changing  gift in this modern day world and we all deserve that gift of wellness.

Certifications Include: Nutritional Consultant, Zone Technique, Distance and in Person Reiki, and Advanced Intuitive.

Lisa lived with deep depression and suicidal ideation for several years and after discovering hypnotherapy and many other out of the box techniques for herself, she realized that she had the ability to help others.

Lisa has over 25 years of experience as a transformational leader, author of the bestselling book, “In Every Belief is a Lie" and expert in the fields of human behavior, leadership and personal development.  She is an award-winning speaker and has spoken at Harvard and Columbia University as a featured bLU Talks speaker. Lisa is featured in Dr. Joe Vitale’s upcoming documentary “Zero Limits” coming out in the next six months.She also trained in the “Winners Mindset” with Bob Reese, the former head trainer for the NY Jets and helped a professional golfer win Golfer of the Year!

Lisa was V.P. of Business Development for an innovative start-up company using virtual reality to help clients with pain reduction, memory loss and stress reduction. As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), she helps entrepreneurs and high performers from where they are to where they want to be much faster than conventional coaches.

Lisa is also trained as a Why Coach, helping people discover their Why, based on Simon Sinek’s, “Know Your Why”. Lisa not only helps individuals discover their Why, but she also helps people discover the Why of their business and how to use it in their branding.  

Why Naturopathy

Everything is Energy

working with energy to heal


Learn what foods will give your body the best health. And the easiest ways to incorporate them.


Find out if intermittent fasting would help you in your journey to health. 


Our bodies are not set up to carry as many pollutants as we are now burdened with. Learn how to let toxins go and support the body.

Quantum Healing

Quantum Healing is about using the energy of the universe or the quantum field to heal the body, mind, and soul

Weight Loss

A balanced body lets extra weight go. And delicious healthy food supports this.


As the subconscious is cleared of fears and attachments stress disappears.


“I experienced an incredible transformation in my bloodwork after working with Lisa. I
thought maybe I would have some slight problems but was stunned seeing the actual
live sample of my blood in massive distress. Lisa did her prayer work, and I felt a
physical transformation with increased strength, energy and an overall sense of
wellbeing and greater inner peace. Thirteen days later and my blood work revealed an
undeniably positive transformation. I have felt and seen the physical proof that Lisa’s
work is powerfully transformative.”


Michael Jaco


Quantum Healing Events

Join Honey and Lisa for Online Healing Events Monthly 

and Begin The Journey to Healing with Your Own Quantum Energy

Your Health Starts Here

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Info


P.O. Box 3, Howard, CO 81233

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